Hey there staycationers and welcome to my post where we will check out my 10 things to do on a Staycation. With increased costs to do with not only travel, but day to day living, staycations have surged in popularity in recent times. However these local holidays provide the perfect opportunity to unwind and with the right approach, a staycation can be as enriching and rejuvenating as any traditional vacation.

Things to Do on a Staycation - Header

There’s a wealth of activities one can indulge in during a staycation, from transforming the home into a serene retreat to discovering the hidden gems of your locale, here are ten inventive and enjoyable ways to make the most of a stay at home, ensuring a memorable and cost-effective holiday experience.

  1. Explore Local Attractions
  2. Have a Spa Day at Home
  3. Try New Recipes
  4. Start a Garden
  5. Take a Local Class
  1. Go on a Photography Walk
  2. Have a Movie Marathon
  3. Read a New Book or Series
  4. Do a DIY Project
  5. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

Things to Do on a Staycation

So, as above, let’s check out 10 things you can do to ensure that your staycation is as enjoyable and relaxing as it can be.

Check out these: Staycation vs Vacation

1. Explore Local Attractions

Discovering local attractions such as museums, parks or historical sites can be both enlightening and entertaining. It allows you to appreciate the beauty and history of your own area, which is often overlooked in the hustle and bustle of daily life. This not only supports local businesses and communities but also reduces the stress and carbon footprint associated with long-distance travel.

For staycationers, the advantage lies in the convenience and cost-effectiveness. There’s no need for expensive plane tickets or time-consuming travel plans. You can often find hidden gems just a short distance from home, making each day a new adventure without the usual travel fatigue.

Check out these: Best Things about a Staycation

2. Have a Spa Day at Home

Transforming your home into a spa for the day is a fantastic way to relax and rejuvenate. You can take long baths, do facials and even try out new beauty treatments. This activity promotes self-care and relaxation without the high costs of a professional spa.

The advantage here is the personalization and privacy. You can tailor the day exactly to your preferences, from the scents and products you use to the music you listen to. It’s a stress-free way to pamper yourself on your own terms, and you can even make it a regular part of your routine.

Things to Do on a Staycation - Bath

3. Try New Recipes

Cooking or baking new recipes can be a fun and rewarding way to spend your staycation. It allows you to explore different cuisines and improve your culinary skills. Plus, you get to enjoy delicious meals at the end of your efforts.

The advantage of cooking at home is twofold: it’s often healthier and more budget-friendly than eating out. You have control over the ingredients and can make adjustments based on personal preferences or dietary needs. It’s a great way to bond with family members or roommates, as everyone can get involved in the process too.

4. Start a Garden

Gardening is a therapeutic activity that can beautify your living space and even provide fresh produce. Whether it’s a flower garden or a vegetable patch, the act of nurturing plants is rewarding and fosters a deeper connection with nature.

For staycationers, the benefits include physical exercise, stress reduction and the joy of seeing your garden grow. It’s a long-term hobby that can continue to provide satisfaction well beyond the staycation period, and it’s a step towards sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Things to Do on a Staycation - gardening

5. Take a Local Class

Enrolling in a local class, whether it’s for art, cooking, dance or a new language can be both educational and fun. It’s a great way to learn something new and meet people with similar interests.

The advantage is the enrichment of your personal and professional life. Learning new skills can boost your confidence and may even open up new career opportunities. Plus, it’s a more productive use of time compared to passive entertainment options.

6. Go on a Photography Walk

Taking a camera or smartphone and going for a walk with the intention of taking photographs can help you see your local area in a new light. It encourages you to notice details and appreciate the beauty of everyday surroundings.

This activity is also beneficial for mental health, as it promotes mindfulness and creativity and it’s a low-cost way to engage in a hobby that can be both solitary and social, depending on whether you choose to share your photos or explore with friends.

Things to Do on a Staycation - Photography

7. Have a Movie Marathon

Watching a series of movies or binge-watching a new TV series can be a perfect way to relax and escape. You can make it special by setting up a cozy viewing area and preparing your favorite snacks.

The advantage is the simplicity and comfort of being in your own space. There’s no need to worry about crowded theaters or expensive tickets and it’s a great way to unwind and indulge in your favorite stories.

8. Read a New Book or Series

Diving into a new book or series can transport you to another world without leaving your home and like a movie, is an excellent way to relax and spend time in a productive and enriching way.

Reading has numerous benefits, including improving vocabulary, reducing stress and enhancing empathy. It’s a versatile hobby that can be enjoyed anywhere, making it perfect for a staycation.

Things to Do on a Staycation - Reading a book

9. Do a DIY Project

Tackling a DIY project can be a rewarding way to spend your time. Whether it’s home improvement, crafting, or upcycling, creating something with your own hands is satisfying.

The advantage is the sense of accomplishment and the potential to improve your living space or create personalized gifts. It’s a creative outlet that can also help save money and promote sustainability.

10. Practice Mindfulness or Meditation

And finally, incorporating mindfulness or meditation into your staycation can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being as it’s a chance to slow down, reflect and focus on the present moment.

The benefits include better mental health, improved concentration, and a greater sense of peace. It’s a practice that requires no special equipment or expense and can be integrated into daily life for lasting benefits.

Things to Do on a Staycation - meditate


What are the best activities for a staycation?

A staycation can be as enriching and exciting as any trip away from home, with a variety of activities tailored to relaxation, personal growth, and exploration. They allow you to discover the hidden gems of your own city or town to support local businesses and reduce travel stress. It’s cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Alternatively you can undertake activities such as having a spa day at home, watching movies, reading books, cooking, gardening or simply mediating to relax.


There you have it, my 10 best things to do on a Staycation. As usual, let me know of your experiences here or if there are any staycation activities you think I need to add.

Also, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, concerns, or corrections or would like me to check anything else out for you.

Until next time.

Have fun


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