Hey there my fellow travelling enthusiasts and welcome to my post where we will check out my 11 tips for flying with a baby this year. We have all done it, flown long haul near a baby that cries and cries and cries – and worse still been parent of said crying baby.

tips for flying with a baby - header

Everyone is looking, everyone has an opinion and everybody is annoyed at you. And whilst we know that is not all true, at the time, you think that this is never going to end. So for those of you looking to make the trip as simple and stress free as you can, let’s check out my tips below.

  1. Choose a direct flight
  2. Pre-board if you can
  3. Book a separate seat for your baby
  4. Have your baby’s gear gate-checked
  5. Rent travel baby equipment
  6. Keep them buckled
  1. Double your baby’s necessities
  2. Keep a drink for landing
  3. Bring any required medication
  4. Bring their favorite toys
  5. Don’t worry about others

Tips for Flying With a Baby

As above, if you have flown with, or near a newborn on a plane, then you know the challenges flying with a baby brings, especially if we anticipate a long haul. So again, if you are planning to fly with your little one in the future, below are some things we can try…

1. Choose a direct flight

Your goal here is to keep the number of connecting flights to a minimum when traveling with a baby or young child. The main reason is that the air pressure on a baby’s ears during landing typically leads to discomfort that results in screaming on airplanes. Hence, less time spent traveling means fewer opportunities for a mid-flight meltdown.

Additionally, if you must book a flight with a connection, plan extra time on the ground during in-between flights so that you can calm baby before the next trip. And trust me even if it just means less running through the airport with a baby, diaper bag, car seat and other travel necessities as well.

2. Pre-board if you can

Speaking from experience when we used to fly with our little ones, we used to believe skipping pre-boarding would ensure that we spent as little time as possible with our baby on the aircraft. That was until we did it once.

When you pre-board, you have more time to prepare your child for the upcoming flight without the noise and ‘bumpiness’ of everyone else trying to get to their seats as well. Flying with a baby or toddler is difficult enough without having other passengers standing behind you as you struggle to buckle them in so this little bit of extra time is definitely worth it in my opinion.

You also have the chance to get the baby settled in ready for take off as well.

tips for flying with a baby - baby in mothers arms

3. Book a separate seat for your baby

This one definitely comes down to affordability and even though lap children under two usually fly free, I advise you to reserve a separate seat for your child if you can.

Giving a baby or toddler their own seat is not only the safer choice, but it also gives your family more space to spread out and unwind on the flight. This also means you have extra room to change nappies, feeding and a little play space as well.

4. Have your baby’s gear gate-checked

Most airlines allow parents and caregivers to gate-check large baby equipment such as strollers and car seats for no extra charge/or as extra luggage allowance (just make sure you check first so you are not hit with extra fees). This means you can keep your baby in familiar surroundings right up until the time you board.

Simply ask the gate agent at the airport for gate check tags and leave your gear at the aerobridge as you board. Then when you arrive at your destination and disembark, your gate-checked items will typically be waiting for you as you exit.

tips for flying with a baby - baby in ergo at airport

5. Rent travel baby equipment

In an effort to reduce your load on the airline and/or prevent baggage costs, consider renting infant travel equipment at your destination. In most locations, you can order delivery of a travel stroller, cot, car seat, high chair, booster seats and more.

You can have these things delivered to you wherever it is most practical such as your hotel, at your hire car pickup or even the airport. This can be a little more expensive however it does save you having to lug it all with you – afterall, just taking the baby stuff is enough here.

Check out these: Baby Carriers for Travel

6. Keep them buckled

Should you want to keep your little one safe and secure during the flight – a car seat or other authorized restraint is the most best place for a child or infant. And for newborns, most airlines will put you at the bulkhead seats so that you can attach a portable cot to the designated brackets.

Unbuckling your child for a diaper change, potty break or stretching those little legs may of course be necessary at some point however, especially on a lengthy journey.

tips for flying with a baby - mother and baby on plane

7. Double your baby’s necessities

Of course when it comes to flying, the overriding need to travel light often takes over. When it comes to traveling with babies however, we have learned the hard way that you definitely need to bring twice as much baby food, formula, diapers, bottles, and nutritious snacks as you think you’ll need.

Then if the flight is delayed, canceled or you have to spend an extra night in a hotel room, having enough to keep baby fed and cleaned is a Godsend. And trust me, the last thing you want to deal with when flying is a baby that is thirsty, hungry or dirty all because you have run out of staples.

Check out these: Portable diaper bags for travel

8. Keep a drink for landing

We mentioned above the fact the many babies cry on takeoff and landing due to the changes in cabin pressure and their effects on the ears. And just as it is with adults, this can be relieved by simple swallowing.

However as babies do not understand to naturally do this, you can make them swallow with a bottle throughout takeoff and landing. So along the lines with the tip above in regards to bringing enough to keep baby happy, make sure you have liquid formula or a water bottle for these times (or of course you can breast feed) regardless of when they need to be fed.

I have also found that a pacifier will work here too (if you like to use them of course).

tips for flying with a baby - baby with bottle

9. Bring any required medication

Now this is on the must fly list for any airline traveler however of course, you should not forget to include any prescription or over-the-counter medications for your baby in your carry-on luggage.

For easy identification, most airlines strongly advise maintaining your child’s medications in their original packaging so they can be checked at security as well. 

10. Bring their favorite toys

This tip is essential as a distracted baby is least likely to get agitated – oh and children also love familiarity. So for this reason, you should bring their favorite toys or actively play with them.

The main message is that you need to do anything you can to keep the baby busy on the plane – even if it just talking to them or telling a story so they can hear your voice.

11. Don’t worry about others

If you fly long enough, your baby will occasionally cry out loud on the flight, no matter what you do to stop them. You can do everything on this list of suggestions above including giving bottles and snacks, trying stories and movies, changing diapers, and more. Still, it’s possible that they will cause some distracting noise.

And of course this always seems to be made worse by the fact that you are surrounded by others who may appear to disapprove.

But you know what? If the baby cries, it cries! Concentrate on what you need to do and not on what others are thinking – most of the time they are really not as worried as you may think anyway.

And remember, the flight will end and it will all be over soon!


There you have it, my best tips for flying with babies. I would be pleased to know how this article helped you, and as usual,  let me know of your experiences with them.

Also, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, concerns, or corrections or would like me to check anything else out for you.

Until next time.

Have fun


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