Hey there travel enthusiasts and welcome to my post where we will check out my 10 best tips for long haul flights this year. Long haul flights – usually designated as a flight over 6 hours in length – can for some be a great way for some to relax and catchup on their reading or a good movie.
For others however, they can be a real challenge, both in terms of keeping yourself fresh for the upcoming trip and maintaining your health as you fly. So whether you enjoy them or not, there are some things you can do to make sure that you trip is not only enjoyable, but safe as well.

Tips for long haul flights
Given that thousands of people are taking long-distance flights each year, let’s have a look at some tips below can assist in making you feel relaxed and energized as you fly. Oh, and we might be able to save you some coin as well.
1. Book in advance
In general, tickets for long-distance flights have a more stable price than those for short- or medium-distance trips although they can and do rise closer to the departure date. So, the golden rule for receiving the best deal is to make your reservation as early as possible.
If you can plan your flight far in advance and book your long-haul journey as soon as possible – then there is a good chance you will get the best price. Some airlines start selling them as early as a year ahead of time.
2. Select your seat
The thing to remember here is the key term we are discussing – long haul flight. This means that you will be sitting in your seat for a fair while so it will absolutely pay to sit somewhere that is the most comfortable for you. Consider your preferences (I personally like the aisle as it makes it easy for me to move around) and if possible choose that seat as early as you can.
Others prefer the window as they can lean against it and sleep. Depending on your height, of course, this may again not suit as you may need to sit in an aisle seat to be able to stretch your legs. Alternatively, If you choose a seat in one of the less popular rows in the rear, you’ll have a better chance of finding an empty seat or two next to you. You can lie down to catch some rest if you’re fortunate enough to have three seats to yourself.
The downside here is that in my experience, many airlines put families with young children down the back too. At the end of the day, there are pros and cons of all seat types but if you can, choose the seat that will give you the best chance of comfort as you fly.
Oh, but keep in mind, many airlines do charge a higher price for the privilege of picking your seat as well.

3. Wear comfortable clothing
The skin-tight jeans and fitted top could make you look good, but first and foremost, comfort is key when it comes to choosing clothes for air travel. You’ll be sitting for long periods of time, so you want to wear clothing that won’t constrict your movements or cause discomfort. Loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics such as cotton or linen are ideal. These materials allow air to circulate around your body, helping to keep you cool and comfortable.
Layering is also important, as temperatures on a plane can vary greatly. Air conditioning can make the cabin quite chilly, so bringing a light jacket or sweater that you can easily remove and stow away in your carry-on bag is a good idea. This way, you can adjust your clothing to the changing temperatures without having to ask for blankets or struggle to reach your bag in the overhead bin.
When it comes to footwear, slip-on shoes or sandals are a good choice for air travel as they are easy to take off and put back on when going through security checkpoints and they allow your feet to breathe during the flight. Avoid high heels or shoes with laces or buckles, as they can be difficult to take on and off and may cause discomfort during the flight.
Lastly, you’ll want to avoid anything that will restrict your movement or cause discomfort during the flight. Tight clothing can restrict blood flow and cause discomfort during long periods of sitting – which is also one common cause of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) as well.
4. Bring a set of noise-canceling headphones
Noise-canceling headphones use a function called active noise control (ANC) specifically to block out undesired background noise and when flying, can improve sleep quality or the ability to hear inputs such as movies or music. In fact, many have them on must have for flying lists for a reason.
Another benefit of noise-cancelling headphones is that they can help to reduce fatigue and stress. Listening to music or other audio content can be a great way to pass the time on a long flight, but if you’re using regular headphones, you may need to turn up the volume to drown out background noise which can be tiring on your ears and may even cause hearing damage if done for an extended period of time.
With noise-cancelling headphones, however, you can listen to your music or podcasts at a lower volume, which can reduce fatigue and stress on your ears.
Check out these: Best Noise Cancelling Earbuds for Travel

5. Adjust to the new time zone
This next tip is one that I always try and work to as I find it helps to reduce the affects of jet lag at the other end – although when you fly from Australia like I do, not many time zones match that closely unfortunately. This means adjusting your watch to the time at your destination and trying to work as though you are already in that time zone.
From there, try as best you can to stay awake, eat or sleep as you would at your destination. It is not easy, and doesn’t work for everyone but I find it works so if you suffer from wicked jetlag, then may be worth a try.
Check out my: 10 Tips for Avoiding Jet Lag
6. Pack appropriately
Although airlines do generally provide food and water as you travel – even if you have to pay – a good rule of thumb here is to pack as if they are providing nothing. So, pack various items in your carry-on bag to enhance your comfort on a lengthy travel such as:
- Travel pillow
- Noise-canceling earbuds or headphones as abo
- Snacks
- Bottle of water
- Face moisturizer
- Book
- Smartphone
- Power bank charger
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
Keep in mind that you may not be able to take any unused food or water off the plane with you however having them there is well worth it in my opinion. Oh and even though it may not always be the most appealing food you will see, when the airline meal comes around, you will feel a lot better in the long run if you at least eat a little of it. However, keep in mind the risk of overpacking here as well.

7. Walk around
This next tip is the entire reason that I always ask for an aisle seat as during long-haul flights. This is because it is especially crucial to remember that you shouldn’t stay in one posture for too long. Not only are your legs more likely to cramp up, but the longer you remain still throughout your journey, the greater the likelihood you may experience DVT. This is a dangerous health condition that can result in a blood clot.
Just getting up and moving around the plane’s cabin considerably reduces danger so every couple of hours, stretch your legs by walking up and down the aisle. And if you are susceptible to this sort of thing, then compression stockings, which provide pressure to the lower legs to assist in easing any discomfort, are another option.
Of course, DVT aside, just walking around every now and then can certainly assist with energizing you or allowing for a little stretch as well.
8. Make the most of your flight time
I have had this discussion with many a travel buddy in my time but I am from the school of making the flight part of the holiday/journey and just sitting and relaxing. Others find it a drag and just want it over as quickly as possible. Keep in mind here that you are in a small area for at least 6 hours with not a lot around you in terms of distractions. So, a good tip here is to take the time to:
- Read a book
- Watch a movie
- Catch up on some work (many planes provide WiFi these days as well)
- Write some emails
- Catch up on a hobby (I watched a lady scrapbook on the Sydney to LA flight once)
- Sleep
- Or anything else that you can appropriately do on a plane
Trust me, not only will this make the flight more enjoyable, but it will go a little faster as well.

9. Avoid drinking too much alcohol
Now, I don’t want to be a party pooper here, but this is a tip that I have learnt the hard way more than once. Alcohol, whilst fun for some, can quickly cause you discomfort as you fly. There are a number of reasons for this including:
- When flying, the air in a large metal tube is quite dry hence you are more sensitive to dehydration and a faster hangover.
- You won’t sleep properly, if at all, which will make jetlag worse.
So by all means enjoy that airport beer (after all, they are the BEST) or a nice glass of red with your meal, just don’t overdo it. Keep in mind here also that in extreme circumstances, customs officials can refuse entry to those overly intoxicated as well – I haven’t done this one, but I have seen it.
10. Be respectful of your co-passengers
And finally, even though this if probably self explanatory, your flight will be much more enjoyable if your are respectful to others. There is nothing worse than conflict on a plane, especially as everyone is generally tired, bored or just over it all. So, here are some things that you can do to not be one of ‘those’ travelers:
- Don’t hog all the armrests.
- Check behind you before reclining your chair to make sure no one will be disturbed – and always bring it back up at meal times.
- If you are in the window, anticipate using the restroom at some point, especially on lengthy flights. Be understanding and polite as you move everyone out and try not to do it at meal times.
- Turn your overhead light off if you are not using it.
- Don’t play videos on your phone without headphones.
Any others, comment below.. haha
There you have it; my tips for you to endure and enjoy long flights. I would be pleased to know how this article helped you, and as usual, let me know of your experiences with them.
Also, please do not hesitate to comment below if you have any questions, concerns, or corrections or would like me to check anything else out for you.
Until next time.
Have fun