Hey there travelers and welcome to my post where we will check out my 5 tips for better sleep when traveling this year. As we all know, one of the major upsides of travel is exploring new things. However, the downsides are the constant movement, time changes and of course, not being in our own beds. And of course the upside is much more enjoyable if we are reducing the effects of the downside as much as possible.

Tips for better sleep when traveling - header

Hence, a good night’s sleep is one of the most important holiday necessities which is easier said than done for many of us. We have to deal with influences such as jet lag, uncomfortable seats on airplanes and even nervousness before leaving. But you can avoid becoming a walking zombie on your next vacation so if you want to catch some shut-eye while on the road, it helps to have a plan for making adjustments while you’re away from home.

  1. Establish a regular sleeping routine
  2. Build a vacation sleep kit
  3. Pick a good aircraft seat
  4. Stay away from late drinks or snacks
  5. Exercise

Ways to Get a Better Sleep When Traveling

So with all that in mind, let’s check out my 5 tips to getting good sleep while travelling:

1. Establish a regular sleeping routine

As many of us know, the trick to getting a good night’s sleep in out daily non-traveling life is to maintain a routine. Staying on your usual sleep schedule however might be challenging while traveling as there are the restaurants, tours and cocktail bars that mean a later bedtime to enjoy the nights and an earlier rise to get things done. You may also need to acclimatize to a new time zone, which might throw off your internal clock.

While it’s not possible to ensure that you’ll fall asleep at or wake up at the exact times you choose, you may aim for these hours and increase the likelihood that you’ll receive at least some sleep at those times. For example, you may generally go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 6am. But some nights on your travels, you could wind yourself retiring to bed at midnight. As long as you still get up around 6am (and don’t sleep in until 9am), you will have gotten enough sleep to be able to operate adequately the following day. Plus, you won’t have pushed your body clock too out of sync!

Likewise, if you need to acclimatize to a new time zone, try to stick to your planned sleep hours! Your body will adapt to a new 10pm and 6am, and it will be a lot simpler to do so if you are receiving your 7-9 hours sleep.

2. Build a vacation sleep kit

Part of the problem of travel is often the lack of sleep experienced before we actually get to our destination meaning we are often trying to play catchup. This next option may sound a little ‘travel nerdy’ but trust me, it can certainly assist you in keeping your body rested during the trip. A travel sleep kit containing an eye mask, ear plugs and other nighttime items is a great tool for obtaining better sleep on a plane or noisy hotel.

And even though these kits are offered by certain airlines on long-haul flights, regular flyers are usually better off bringing their own supplies which can include:

  • Eye mask.
  • Ear plugs.
  • Neck pillow – if you like that sort of thing.
  • Items to keep you warm and comfortable such as a blanket or scarf.
  • Essential oils such as Lavender or peppermint – ginger is good for jetlag as well.
  • Gentle music or a meditation file if that helps you sleep too.
09/16/2024 01:26 am GMT Lasso Brag

3. Pick a good aircraft seat

Tips for better sleep when traveling - girl asleep on plane

Where you are seated on an aircraft may make a huge difference in how well you sleep so if you can, try and choose an area that will allow you to relax. Obviously business or first class are best here but let’s be honest, that is outside of the price range however unless you are traveling on a true budget airline, here are some other things you can try.

If you’re on a lengthy journey and don’t want to be disturbed, choose a seat beside the window. You’ll have something to lay your head on, and you won’t have to worry about being disturbed if and when other passengers get up to use the toilet. And on that note, in my experience, avoid seats that are:

  • Near toilets or where the crew prepare meals
  • Next to the exit doors – sure they provide extra room but they also are where people congregate
  • In front of bulkheads – this is where cots go
  • In the last rows – many airlines sit family groups there

4. Stay away from late drinks or snacks

This is another area that we know from our normal lives in that we struggle to sleep if we eat or drink too late at night. And again, whilst we are all for enjoying the best of local fare when traveling – I mean that is the point of it all tight? – consuming a big or spicy meal close to bedtime might disrupt sleep.

So, if you want to truly experience the local cuisines where you are vacationing the consider:

  • Eating more (and spicier) food during lunch.
  • Spreading your food intake out among many smaller meals (Tapas anyone?).
  • Limit your coffee intake to the early hours.
  • Partake in alcoholic beverages in moderation and refrain from doing so within two to three hours of bedtime (i know! but it really does help).

And my number one rule here for travelers – eat a good breakfast. This is the most overlooked meal when travelling (usually because we have broken the last rule above) but a good breakfast will put you in stead for a solid day’s sightseeing without tiring you out too much.

Tips for better sleep when traveling - restaurant on beach

5. Exercise

Another behavior that often gets left at home is exercise. Now I know many of us tend to walk a lot but I am talking about a real workout here. Find a local gym or exercise class and build up a sweat. It is also a proven fact that exercise increases the core body temperature which in turn triggers your circadian rhythm which assists in body clock regulation and increased in melatonin levels.

If this is not your thing, then if possible try walking to your next attraction rather than taking the tram or bus. This way you get a little exercise and who knows, you may find some little hidden gems along the way.


So there you have it my 4 tips for getting a good night’s sleep whilst traveling this year. I hope it has been of assistance but as usual, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out by commenting below.

Do you have any other tips to get a decent night’s sleep when travelling? If so, please comment below.

Until next time

Have fun


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